Watching Guidelines for "When They See Us" (The Central Park 5 story by Ava DuVernay)
I attended the premiere screening for Ava DuVernay’s new Netflix series entitled, “When They See Us.” After the screening, myself with a few others ran into an office in the theater and took a minute to digest everything we just sat through. You should have seen us, we were silent, loud, dazed, crying, laughing, helpless, in shock and every other rollercoaster emotion you feel when you’ve just been traumatized. We needed therapy and converted that office into a safe space to release everything that we were feeling.
Although we all know the Central Park Five story and how it ends, there was something about experiencing this film in the Apollo Theater. Watching it in full screen and not being able to pause it or distract yourself with Instagram, forced you to sit within yourself and feel everything. I don’t know what I would have done or how I would have gotten home safely, if I didn’t have a safe space to release after watching, “When They See Us.”
Because of what you are about to experience when you decide to watch this series on Netflix after it’s released on May 31st, I’ve decided to provide you with some viewing guidelines. Trust me, I’m not being funny. You will thank me for giving you some direction on how to watch this series.
WTSU Viewing Guidelines
1. WATCH WITH A GROUP - Remember the folks you called when you decided to have a “Game of Thrones” watch party? Or your girl squad that you made martinis for when you celebrated the final episode of “Sex In The City?” Call them! This is not a film you want to watch alone. There are a lot of emotions that you are going to be experience. You will need your friends to comfort you, talk to, stare at, scream with, clap with and talk trash to throughout the series. You will need them to talk some sense into you before you run outside and start flipping over cars.
2. HAVE ALCOHOL - You will need some spirits to help your spirit. This film will make you feel shattered and uncomfortable about so many things. You will lay your head low and need to take a shot and also raise your head high with a need to toast. Get the wine, hard licca or any beverage with a high ABV (I’m talking over 60%) and get ready.
3. DON’T AND I MEAN DON’T LEAVE THE HOUSE RIGHT AFTER - Stay in the home that you’re in for at least 2-3 hours before going outside. I would encourage you not to interact with anyone that’s not at your viewing party. Don’t call your mom, dad, cousin, sister, no one and damn sure don’t call anyone who works in law enforcement.
4. MEDITATE IN BETWEEN THE FILM - No seriously. Feel free to pause the film to breathe and even meditate during the series. I think what messed us up so hard last night is that we couldn’t pause it and just breathe. I kept telling my friend, “I feel stuck.” Give yourself a minute to wrap your head around what you just saw. I would even encourage you to use those pause moments to talk it out before you press play again.
5. DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT BINGE THIS STRAIGHT THROUGH – Netflix is not providing any type of treatment for your PTSD nor are they providing you therapy for how triggered you will feel. Go back to suggestion #4, pause and breathe through it.
6. HUG SOMEBODY - Not only do you need to have a talkback with your group, but you also need to hug at least one of them. Hug a friend. Breathe in and exhale with them. I can’t explain the benefits but believe me, hug somebody. That connection and physical touch will be needed to soften how you feel. (Are you now starting to understand why you need to watch this with people?)
7. DIRECT YOUR ENERGY TO GOOD – The beauty of experiencing this story that Ava so carefully crafted together are all of the highs and lows that you will feel. Once you’ve gone through the rollercoaster of emotions, you will land on what can I do now? We know that this story is still happening to so many of our black and brown babies. We know that these men are survivors and have to get their word out. So here are ways to support:
Give to organizations like the Innocence Project, Prison Fellowship, and other organizations supporting the wrongfully convicted. To my knowledge, Korey Wise & Kevin Richardson are working with the Innocence Project.
Book Dr. Yusef Salaam for speaking engagements. Help him get this story out there.
Buy merchandise from Raymond Santana through his Park Madison NYC fashion line.
Say the name of Antron Mcray every chance you get so we continue to bring awareness to their story.
After you have taken the time to digest the film, drink your alcohol, hold a talk back with your group at the viewing party, scream into a pillow, meditate, give to a foundation or support one of the five exonerated men, I now ask you to put your thinking cap on and figure out how to engage with the police? How do we move forward with blue lives that are here to protect and serve our community? How do we humanize them? There has to be a dialogue after watching this film with the police so we can move the needle on healing.
So brace yourself. Take these guidelines seriously and watch “When They See Us” on Netflix on May 31st.
Disclaimer: These guidelines were taken from the group of folks that I shared time with after the screening. We released a lot of emotions with each other and had a wonderful talk back. They are seriously the reason why I’m a functional human being right now. My spirit needed them after that film.
Watch the Trailer: WHEN THEY SEE US