Dear Ta-Nehisi Coates,
Thank you! Thank you for having the audacity to be you. Fearless, bold, courageous to bring black excellence in a room to have real conversations about our culture, our expression, our blackness. Being in the Apollo space this past weekend was a connection for me. I connected to you, Kerry Washington, Radha Blank, Carla Hall, Bisa Butler, Miles Hardingwood, Diallo Riddle, Barry Jenkins, and so many others whose story was my story. Whose struggle was my struggle. Whose joy was my joy.
Dear Apollo Theatre leadership,
When I’m 100 years old and telling my grand nieces and nephews some of my most memorable moments in my career, I’m going to say, “That weekend in the year 2023 when Apollo asked me to be part of the inaugural [At] The Intersection: The Apollo’s Festival of Arts and Ideas, curated by critically acclaimed writer Ta-Nehisi Coates.” They’ll say, GranAuntie that sounds amazing but why” and I’ll answer “Because it was at that time that I stood in the halls of the Apollo Theatre and realized I was part of a historical moment in time.” Thank you for allowing me to part of this movement for Apollo. I am still full and walking around with more understanding of purpose and legacy. Thank you!
Love to all that was in the space. Flowers to all that spoke, shared and performed. I am so blessed that I got to be in your presence.
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